I haven’t been in QA for the last couple of years but I recently wanted to automate some UI testing that I’ve been doing manually. When I found out that Selenium IDE no longer supports the latest version of Firefox, I went to look for similar tools and although Ghost Inspector is my favorite, I ended up using a tool called SnapTest for this particular project I was working on. Here are my thoughts on both of these tools, and why you should use them.Continue Reading →
This is Part II in a series where I’ve decided to break out a presentation over the course of several posts. I originally presented the consolidated version of this to a group of Web Design students as a guest lecturer at Philadelphia University in March 2015. These are some of the points I made during those 2 hours, based upon my experience over the last 15 years.
In this post, I’ll review the first experience I had with my company’s website redesign and my proud moments of applying a designer’s comps to pixel-perfection… back in the day before we thought about front-end performance, dynamic data “breaking” fix-width containers, SEO, accessibility, and before smartphones and tablets!Continue Reading →
In this second part of my top “20 Best Tips Before Level 20” for Black Desert Online, I review some basic quest features!Continue Reading →
This is a series where I’ve decided to break out my top 20 Best Tips Before Level 20 for Black Desert Online into 4 parts.
This is Part I of IV, and it will set you up to connect a node, send a worker, and cook beer!Continue Reading →
I had the chance to play the 2nd Closed Beta Test for Black Desert Online and gathered some tips for noobs like me who are familiar with MMOs but are playing Black Desert Online for the first time. There are lots of new guides in English for this game, but I had trouble finding the answers to these questions so here are the things I wish I knew when I first started playing the game. Hopefully, they will help you during your first 24 hours of gameplay.Continue Reading →
Blade & Soul is a Free-to-play Korean MMO that released in Asia a few years ago and had its recent debut in the West. I gathered a few general questions & answers for noobs like me who are familiar with MMOs but are playing Blade and Soul for the first time.Continue Reading →
This is a series where I’ve decided to break out a presentation over the course of several posts. I originally presented the consolidated version of this to a group of Web Design students as a guest lecturer at Philadelphia University. These are some of the points I made during those 2 hours, based upon my experience over the last 15 years.
This is Part I.Continue Reading →
Want to know how to display videos in a responsive layout? Blizzard started doing that pretty well. They just added Overwatch to their launcher and I went to check out their website — it’s pretty sweet. Video teasers just “above the fold”* in the bottom corners at various resolutions, and the character pages use neatly positioned <video> overlays. What do you think?
After about a week of toil, I cobbled together a decent 360 “video” rendering. “Video” in quotes, because it’s 1 fps over the course of 50 seconds ¬_¬
Here, I just wanted to show my progression after each discovery, since I think the journey is as valuable as the end product. (That is a lie, I abhor “the journey” and always just want to get to the end goal.)Continue Reading →
On July 8th, 2015, in anticipation of the upcoming World of Warcraft movie, legendary.com/vr let you soar the skies of Azeroth using their VR app.Continue Reading →
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