Everyday Ray



Did you know you can get personalized gifts from Amazon?

If you’ve been mulling over what to get your bridesmaids, maid of honor, or even another bride, I have the perfect gift you can give them. I’d like to think of these less as “cheap personalized gift ideas for her” but more as “the highest quality personalized gifts for the best value”!Continue Reading →

How to get the best results for your DIY gold foil stationery [RESOLVED]

I planned to purchase foil-pressed stationery from a website, but after realizing it would cost me upwards of $1000, I decided to seek out alternatives.  I experimented for hours, scoured the web, and watched tens of YouTube videos for tips on how to get great results with making gold foil stationery at home, and came up with these results. Hope my findings will save someone else some time and money!Continue Reading →

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