Made to last, this steampunk keychain is made from a real vintage watch that has been individually sealed in resin for a durable finish.Continue Reading →
These earrings are made from a real mainspring pulled from a vintage watch.Continue Reading →
The pendant is a real vintage watch carefully set in resin. It hangs on a sturdy sterling silver jump ring then attached to chains in 2 tones, silver and gunmetal.Continue Reading →
Hanging from a generously long 30-inch silver plated, durable soldered chain is a beautiful vintage watch that was cast in resin multiple times for a gorgeous, glossy finish.Continue Reading →
Gears from real vintage watches float inside this two-toned pendant. I resin-cast this pendant multiple times to get a glass-like, domed appearance.Continue Reading →
This is a real vintage watch, carefully set in resin.Continue Reading →
This is a real vintage watch, with a 5mm Swarovski crystal set on top.Continue Reading →
This is a real vintage watch, with the cover taken off and carefully set in resin.Continue Reading →
You can see the original, tiny ruby jewel bearing for the balance wheel pivot. The watch is cast in resin, on the cover of a silver plated locket.Continue Reading →
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