Battle for Azeroth is just around the corner and if you’re looking to cash in on your soon-to-be-outdated mats, here are some of my top tips on how to get easy gold in World of Warcraft right now.
The profitability of this method depends on your server’s economy but I’ve made 450-500 gold for 1 Obliterum a piece.
In order to get these, I craft a piece of gear and break it down. Before disenchanting the crafted item, I check to see if it sells for more than 1000g on the Auction House. If it doesn’t, or if I don’t want to risk it sitting in AH without being sold, I then proceed to break down the crafted gear for Obliterum.
For example, on my Tailor, I craft a piece of Lightweave Breeches (40 Lightweave Cloth, 8 Runic Catgut, 2 Sharp Spritethorn, 6 Primal Sargerite) and “disenchant” it at the Obliterum Forge (near Trader Caelen in Dalaran) which usually gives me a couple hundred Obliterum Ash which I can combine for a couple pieces of Obliterum to sell on the Auction House.
Goblin Gliders
Do you want to go back to Draenor (lol) and have a ton of True Iron Ore from Warlords of Draenor that you’ve stockpiled? Well, if you have an Engineering Works building, you can make a lot of Goblin Glider Kit either for yourself or to sell!
Just go to the Engineer and for 8 True Iron Ore and 5 Sumptuous Fur, you can create 5 Goblin Glider Kits. Currently in Patch 7.3.5, these sell for ~500g per stack of 20 on my PVE server (Gilneas) and I always have a stack handy for my alts. With flying unavailable at the beginning of every expansion and toys like Aviana’s Feather and Flight Master’s Whistle gated behind rep grinds, people will need another way to get around as quickly as possible (and not die from fall damage) so this item will always be very popular right before and at the launch of every expansion going forward.
Class Hall Missions

Make gold the lazy way

I’m a casul
You can easily rack up a couple thousand gold a week by sending out your followers on missions that reward gold, across all your alts. This is the most effortless way to farm gold in Legion right now and you can even do it from Blizzard’s mobile app.
If your alts don’t have enough Order Resources to afford going on Missions, but you have a main character with a ton of Resources or Blood of Sargeras, you can actually give Resources to your alts from your main. You’ll need to convert your Order Resources to Blood of Sargeras in your Order Hall first, to purchase Order Resources Cache that you can send to your alts. The conversion rate isn’t great (5000 Resources for 5 Blood Sargeras), but if you can afford it, you might as well convert all of that into free gold.
To give Order Resources to your alts:
Knowledge is Power
Hop on the character that has a lot of Blood of Sargeras or Order Resources. If you need to convert Order Resources to Blood of Sargeras, go to your Class Hall and find the vendor that sells Blood of Sargeras.
- Go to Illnea Bloodthorn in Dalaran and purchase Order Resources Cache for 200 Order Resources with 1 BoS (you can also purchase 4000 Order Resources at a time with 20 BoS) and send that to your alts. This is possible because the cache is account-bound, and not Soulbound. Make sure your alt has unlocked the class order hall mission table to begin with.
Just keep in mind if you’re converting your Order Resources to give to your alts, you’ll lose 80% of the original number of Resources in the transaction process.
How do you make gold in WoW?
Do you have any tips or tricks on the best ways to make gold in Warcraft? Comment below or “Like” this post if you learned something new!
Need something else to do?
If you’re getting bored of Warcraft or want to take a step back from WoW so you can be refreshed for when BFA comes out, play some other games! There will be a free daily video game you can get through Twitch Prime from July 2 through July 17, 2018. It’s a promotion that Amazon is doing in collaboration with Twitch for Prime Day. Just note that I might earn a small commission if you click on a link that leads to a product purchase. If you found this post helpful then please support me by using the links below! This is not a sponsored post but I do currently work for Twitch ;).
You’ll need to do 3 things:
- Have an Amazon Prime
and Twitch account.
- Head over to Amazon
or (click on the ad above) and Connect your Twitch Account.
- Go to your Twitch Prime page to see what free games you can get with Prime. Once you Claim Offer, click on the claim instructions to download the game.
Have fun and see you in Battle for Azeroth very soon!
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