You may have been redirected here from my old website. Don’t be alarmed, I just decided to rebrand myself with a new domain name.
I’ve been thinking about getting a bit more serious with blogging, and with that came the need to update my brand. I dabbled in Medium but ultimately decided that having my own self-hosted WordPress blog was right for me. I know I’ll take a hit SEO-wise but I’ve placed a 301-redirect from my old site so hopefully, everything will transition over in a couple of weeks.
What’s changed?
A few things:
- I was able to migrate WordPress comments but I’ve lost all my Facebook Likes and Comments 🙁 These are not recoverable as they were associated with my old URL so feel free to peruse and Like some old articles to make me feel better 🙂
- All of my RSS feeds have been updated and the old ones no longer exist. If you were subscribed to the old one, you were unsubscribed automatically and you have the option to subscribe to the new ones if you’d like!
- The site is now more secure with an SSL certificate. This was for my own protection when I log into my blog. You can also feel more secure as well.
- A new favicon and top image.
Are you going to be posting “everyday”?
Lol, no. I do plan to post more frequently than twice a year though!
Is something broken?
Please leave me a comment if you find anything broken on the site. It took me 2 days to migrate everything over and I’m sure I’ve missed something. Thank you for being here!
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